trešdiena, 2012. gada 3. oktobris

Not Again (Publikācija NY Times, 2012.g.15.sept, 17A lpp)

In Nov. 1943, when the outcome of WW II had become clear, the Allies-- Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin, met in Tehran to plan the postwar future of Europe. Stalin made it clear that Russia wanted control and influence over Eastern Europe. In Nov. 1944, Roosevelt faced an election, and therefore let Stalin know that he couldn't openly agree to that before the election, for in United States live many people of Eastern European ancestry.
The Allies met again in Feb. 1945 at Yalta after Roosevelt had been reelected, and now Roosevelt agreed to almost all of Stalin’s demands in Eastern Europe despite Churchill’s objections, and thereby condemned Eastern Europe and its 300 million people to 46 years of Russian domination and oppression. The bravest of them who tried to oppose the Russians were killed or sent to Siberia.
For the West, this Roosevelt sellout to Stalin meant an "Iron Curtain" down the middle of Europe, 46 years of Cold War, Warsaw Pact, constant possibility of a nuclear war (Cuba 1962), and Korean and Vietnam wars (not possible without Russian weapons).
This would be just past history, opportunity for a better world lost, if an echo of the past did not sound on 26 Mar. 2012. Barak Obama was talking with the fill--in president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev. Unknown to both, the microphone was still on/open. Medvedev, speaking for Vladimir Putin, made demands and asked for concessions in Eastern Europe. Obama, like Roosevelt in 1943, is facing an election, therefore in almost a whisper Obama said, "This is my last election. When I'm elected, I'll be more flexible". Medvedev answered, "I understand, I'll let Putin know." So once again getting elected is more important than doing the right thing.
  If one were to check which countries in the United Nations supported and voted with the United States the most over the last 20 years, one would find that those are the Eastern European countries. They are grateful that the post Roosevelt United States never recognized Russian incorporation, occupation and control of them. Almost all of them sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and die alongside Americans.
On the other hand Russia often opposes United States policy in places such as North Korea, Iran, Libya, Syria, and uses its veto in the UN.
It is said that large countries don’t have friends, only interests. Sad.
Obama has chosen to make deals at the expense of Eastern Europe with Putin, a man who has said that the collapse of the Communist Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. Not WWI, where Europe lost a whole generation of young men, not WWII, not the Holocaust where 6 million people died, but Putin’s beloved Soviet Union, which Putin is trying to recreate. What does that say about Putin’s values and morality?
If Obama is going to make deals with Putin, then they should be about finally sending back to Russia all Russian colonists and occupants, especially the military, who only took of their uniforms in 1991 and remained in the previously occupied countries, rather than return to Russia as is called for in all international laws. If Obama could get all Russian colonists back to Russia, he would then finally end WWII in Europe and get the Nobel peace prize.
However unfortunately, even before the March 26 "open microphone", Obama was giving dangerous signals to Eastern Europe with his "reset program or new approach" to Russia. It seems the old approach which led to collapse of the Russian empire in 1991, Ronald Reagan called it "The Prison of Nations", wasn’t good enough for him. For example, the last two ambassadors that Obama appointed to Latvia sometimes talk like they had just graduated from Moscow diplomat’s school. One of them, just before an important election, visited openly the home of one of the most aggressive and radical Russian leaders, a man who had threatened violence in Latvia if the election didn't go the way the Russians wanted. Was this visit meant to intimidate the Latvians?
I voted for Obama the last time, but this time can me and those who care about the countries and people of Eastern Europe support a man who is contemplating Yalta II?

Aivars Slucis


Kas ir naida kurināšana un kas un kā to dara?
Naidu kurina galvenokārt ar darbiem un ne ar vārdiem. Šinī pasaules daļā (ziemeļu Centrāleiropā), krievi (Krievija) ir izdarījuši tik daudz noziegumus pret viņu mazajiem kaimiņiem, ka krievi ir galvenie naida kurinātāji.
  • -          Krievu uzbrukums Somijai un dala tas teritorijas aneksija kurina naidu pret krieviem.
  • -          Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas okupācija kurina naidu pret krieviem.
  • -          Igauņu, latviešu un lietuviešu deportācijas uz Sibīrijas nāves nometnēm kurina naidu pret krieviem.
  • -          Baigais Gads kurina naidu pret krieviem.
  • -          Katiņa kurina naidu pret krieviem.
  • -          Masveida 5 000 000 sieviešu un meiteņu izvarošana Austrumvācijā 1945. g. kurina naidu pret krieviem.

Tātad visi naida kurinātāji ir krievi ar saviem necivilizētajiem darbiem un viņi tos vēl turpina šodien.

  • -          Krievu atteikšanās iet prom no Latvijas kurina naidu.
  •         Krievu izdarītā Abrenes nozagšana, izmantojot savus aģentus Latvijas valdībā, kurina naidu.
  • -          Krievu mēģinājums pārkrievot Latviju kurina naidu.
  • -          Krievu atteikšanās runāt latviski Latvijā kurina naidu.
  • -          Krievu referendumi par divvalodību kurina naidu jo tadi referendumi sodien ir tas pats ka latviesu izsutisana uz Sibiriju agrak, jo abi ir meginajums iznicinat latvisku Latviju.

Latviešiem nav nepieciešams citos latviešos kurināt naidu pret krieviem, jo krievi ar saviem noziegumiem to jau sen un plašā mērogā ir izdarījuši.
Ja latvieši neizjustu attaisnojamu un kontrolētu naidu pret krieviem, tad viņi nebūtu dzīvi, tad viņi būtu dzīvi miroņi (zombiji). Saprast un atzit  šo naidu ir veselīgi un vajadzigi, citadi Latvija ir ka  vieta kur latviesi ir spiesti klusu dzivot kopa ar savu bernu(latviskas Latvijas)  slepkavam.
Krievi, viņu aģenti, noziedznieki un rietumu kreisie, kā piem. EDSA komisāri, grib šo lietu noslēpt, jo citādi viņiem nāktos šo attaisnojamo naidu nomierināt, kā to darīja vācieši ar ebrejiem pēc otrā pasaules kara.
Vācija atvainojās, palīdzēja dibināt Izraēlu un samaksāja milzu summas kompensācijā. Ar visu to Izraēlā nav daudz vāciešu, jo viņi nav šovinistiski, rupji, nejūtīgi, nekulturāli.
Krievijai un krieviem jādara tas pats Latvijā. Jāatzīst un jāatvainojas par Latvijas okupāciju (1940. – 1991.g.) un tās sekām. Jāizvāc 80% krievvalodīgo no Latvijas. Jāizmaksā lielu kompensāciju.

Aivars Slucis